CAWC International (the Club) will:
1. Only collect, hold or use personal information about members and other persons for the purposes of administering and running the Club, to keep you informed of club news and its activities. This information primarily comes from the Membership Application form completed by members.
2. Avoid collecting, holding or using any sensitive personal information unless it is necessary such as to facilitate collecting membership subscriptions or to ensure the safety of the Club’s members and activities.
3. Not pass any personal information to any third parties or allow it to be used in any commercial way.
4. Hold all electronic data on one central database that will be stored on the personal computer of the Membership Co-ordinator, protected by password. Members information will only be circulated to the Board and other club members in order to assist in the management of the Club’s activities. Hard copies of members’s data will be kept in a secure location.
5. Keep personal data updated when aware of changes and where legitimately requested as set out below. If members cease to be members, their data will be removed after a maximum of two years but if otherwise requested by you, will be removed within 30 days of the request.
6. To regularly review the personal data held by the Club, to see whether it is still relevant, whether it requires updating, culling or any other action to keep it relevant, and in compliance with the GDPR. The Board will then decide on any appropriate action it thinks necessary.
7. Destroy your personal data when you cease to be a member of the Club. If electronic, it will be permanently deleted in the appropriate manner for the site or equipment held on and any paper data will be shredded, burnt or otherwise physically destroyed.
8. Seek your written consent for holding personal data via the Annual Application form.
Your rights
You have the right to find out what personal information the Club holds about you and to seek to amend it and/or have it deleted. Requests to amend or delete information will be complied with, within 30 days. Please contact the Membership Co-ordinator,, if you wish to see, amend or delete your personal information.